3 Ways to Manage Stress When It's TOO MUCH!

3 Ways to Manage Stress When It's TOO MUCH!

In today’s modern society, STRESS really is the silent killer of our world. The number one killer in America is not drugs or murder; its HEART ATTACK. Stress is one of the biggest factors that will increase the risk that it will happen.

Stress is also a huge limiting factor for losing body fat and gaining muscle strength. You can workout 5x/week and eat the healthiest foods but your body will not change you’ve been struggling to manage stress properly for a long time.

Here are 3 ways to manage your stress in a positive way to reduce it once and for all and be free of the shackles that hold you back from being the best versions of yourself!

1) Lift Weights to Manage ANGER and HATE

Ever heard of RBF? Resting BITCH face. Down eyebrows, arms crossed, quiet with judging eyes are tell tale signs that someone is bottling up way too much anger and hate in their lives. When these emotions bottle up and explode, it leads to wrath and violence. You will want to hurt other people.

BUT when you lift weights, you can harness that energy and exert it through the tension of the muscle and transfer the energy out of your body and into the weights. After an hour of lifting weights, now you feel CALM. Sometimes you may even forget what you were even angry about; it’s THAT relieving. It’s feels like it has medicinal effects without the medicine.

If you’re easily angered or pissed off, you NEED resistance training to manage that form of stress!

2) Eat a Healthy Meal to Manage FATIGUE and HANGRY-NESS!

Our body is energized by the foods we eat. If we eat low-quality foods, our energy becomes low-quality. Also when we miss meals or don’t eat at all, we feel TIRED, WEAK and MOODY. These are all BIG stresses that take a physical toll on our bodies.

Feeling “HANGRY'“ is a real thing. I get HANGRY (hunger + anger) quite often and I can tell how it builds up stupid stress. I run out of patience for anything, I can’t think about anything except the foods I WANT to eat (usually unhealthy foods) and it becomes very hard to make decisions on the spot.

When you eat a healthy meal or eat healthy foods frequently throughout the day, you will feel more lasting energy, hunger satisfaction and stabilized moods. You feel CONFIDENCE, ENERGIZED and HAPPY. Eat healthy foods throughout the day and your body won’t feel physically stressed and backfire on you!

3) Breathe Slow and Deep for 10 Minutes Daily to Manage WORRY and SADNESS

This is such a critical part of stress management and is only getting a light shined on it recently. We can also call this process “MINDFULNESS”. Our thoughts race in our heads at 134 mph everyday. Most of these thoughts are usually about the past and future. Negative thoughts of the past are usually regret, guilt and anger. Negative thoughts of the future are usually worry, angst and uncertainty.

Breathing slow and deep can create space between these thoughts and invite PEACE and RELAXATION into your mind, body and spirit. “Peace of Mind” starts with the breath. When you’re worried or anxious, you may not notice but you breathe short and shallow breaths through your mouth. Instead, breathe in through your nose for 4 counts, hold the breath in your stomach for 4 counts and exhale out the nose for 6 counts.

Doing this for 10 minutes daily, can stabilize dysfunctional breathing patterns, promote better sleep, reduce anxiety and reduce the excretion of stress hormones that gain body fat and burn muscle.

Thank you all for reading! Feel free to comment and ask questions. Send me any topics or questions you’d like me to write about, I’m open to anything!

- Carl Anthony Grande

Creator and Owner of Empyrea Group Training (Cedar Grove, NJ)

Follow me on IG and FB: @trainempyrean

Email me: manager@trainempyrean.com

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